Signed in as:
Signed in as:
1. City of Tega Cay - The government agency that owns the Tega Cay Croquet Facilities and the Tega Cay Golf Club. The City is operated by an elected Mayor and City Council who set policy and hire a City Manager who serves as the City's Chief Executive Officer.
2. Tega Cay Golf Club - The City's Golf Management Company has been contracted by the City of Tega Cay to manage the facilities at the Tega Cay Golf Club. The Golf Club facilities include the Tega Cay Golf Course, the Golf Shop, the Tega Cay Tennis Courts, and the Tega Cay Croquet Facilities. The Golf Shop is located at 15083 Molokai Drive, Tega Cay, SC 29708. For the Croquet Facilities, the Golf Management Company's responsibilities include:
- year-round maintenance of the croquet lawn and the surrounding facilities
- providing a reservation system for the croquet court times and
- collecting the appropriate fees from non-members. All such fees will be turned over to the TCCC Treasurer.
3. Tega Cay Croquet Club (TCCC) - The TCCC is a nonprofit and tax- exempt 501 (c) (3) organization that has been granted responsibilities by the City of Tega Cay through a Memorandum of Agreement for managing the day-to- day operation of the Tega Cay Croquet Club. These responsibilities include:
- Recruiting members to join and participate in the activities of the TCCC.
- Organizing and managing any socials, tournaments and any other special events on the Croquet Court.
- Establishing and maintaining General Rules for the TCCC.
- Establishing reasonable annual TCCC membership fees and usage fees for non-members and court renters. These fees must cover the projected croquet facilities' operating and maintenance expenses to be incurred for that fiscal year.
- Collecting all membership annual dues and any other fees for croquet tournaments, for court usage by non-members and for court rentals. All revenues collected by the TCCC will be used to offset expenses to operate and maintain the croquet facilities throughout each fiscal year beginning October 1 of each calendar year and ending September 30 of the following calendar year. All excess funds, if any, shall remain with the TCCC and will be used at the Club's discretion.
Tega Cay Croquet Club General Rules
These General Rules are a compilation of rules established by the TCCC Board of Directors and the US Croquet Association.
A. Administrative Rules
1. It is the intent of the Tega Cay Croquet Club to limit these General Rules to the minimum required for the mutual enjoyment of the Tega Cay Croquet Club by all of its members and guests. The obligation for enforcing these rules for the good of all is placed in the hands of the TCCC Board of Directors. The TCCC Board reserves the right to alter these rules as they deem necessary.
2. The monthly TCCC President’s Corner e-mail serves as official notification of changes to these General Rules. The President’s Corner e-mail is sent to all members each month. The General Rules are also posted on our website at
3. For these General Rules, the TCCC Board members have full authority to enforce the rules at all times. The players are directed to carry out these General Rules pertaining to the Croquet Facilities. Any violations are to be reported to the TCCC Board members.
4. All Club membership fees are billed on an annual basis. The TCCC fiscal year begins October 1. New members, who join after October 1, must pay their appropriate annual dues before being granted membership. New members joining for the first time and paying the membership fee after October will pay a prorated amount of the current year's annual dues based on the month of the application. After the first year, the full fee will be due at the start of the next fiscal year. Each membership is owned by the individual member and is non-transferable.
5. Any member shall be in default in the payment of dues or assessments for a period of fourteen days from the date on which such dues or assessments become payable. The member, for the purposes of voting on TCCC issues, shall not be a member in good standing while in default. In addition, such member shall be dropped from the active membership list and placed on an inactive list. The member shall not be reinstated until such member has paid dues and assessments in full. While on the inactive list, the member shall have no rights of any kind arising out of membership in the Club.
6. The roster or list of active members in the TCCC is the property of the TCCC and the member contact information may only be distributed to TCCC members. Individual contact information may be made public for promotional purposes with the consent of the individuals involved. Junior members' contact information will only be used on a need-to-know basis for conducting Club business.
7. The TCCC membership contact list is to only be used by TCCC members to conduct TCCC related activities. The Contact list is not to be used to promote commercial or political activities.
B. Croquet Court Rules
1. All players must obtain a starting time and duration from the Golf Shop by contacting the Tega Cay Golf Club at 803-548-3500 or by clicking on the button on the TCCC Website for on-line reservations. If no one has the court reserved, TCCC members may practice on the court without a reservation until someone comes up to play at their reserved time.
2. Court Reservation Times: Adult Club Members may obtain long-term group court reservation times for the current calendar year in advance. Junior members and non-members may obtain court reservation times up to two weeks in advance. The TCCC Board and the Tega Cay Golf Club reserve the right to make special considerations for tournaments, special events, court rentals, court maintenance, and adverse weather conditions.
3. The hours of operation for the croquet court will be established, considering the season of the year, by the TCCC Board and the Tega Cay Golf Club.
4. All necessary equipment (wickets, mallets, balls, clips and deadness boards) will be available on a free loan basis. This equipment is located in the Croquet Room at the Pavilion near the court or in the storage box at the court.
5. Personal mallets must be of a design and in a condition that will not cause damage to the balls or court surface.
6. Players shall repair any damage to the lawn caused by a mallet or ball.
7. US Croquet Association (USCA) rules are in effect. Local rules, to be in effect, will be listed on the TCCC Website and/or e-mailed to members. The Tournament Coordinator will notify all tournament participants of any local rules established for each tournament prior to the beginning of the tournament. It shall be the players responsibility to keep informed and knowledgeable of playing rules.
8. Dogs and other pets are not permitted on the Tega Cay Golf Club facilities, including the Croquet Facilities, at any time.
9. Firearms and any other weapons are not permitted on the Tega Cay Golf Club facilities, including the Croquet Facilities, at any time.
10. Use of tobacco products are not permitted on the Croquet Court or in the Gazebo next to the court.
C. Player Rules
1. Liability Acknowledgment: Each member of the TCCC acknowledges agreement to comply with all TCCC rules and regulations and releases the Tega Cay Croquet Club from any and all claims or causes of action for personal injury, property damage or theft. Any rules violations will subject the members to revocation of membership at the discretion of the Board.
2. In accordance with tradition, the TCCC encourages adult players to dress in white attire.
3. Players are responsible for maintaining good standards of behavior towards other players, equipment, courts, and spectators.
4. On occasions when the court is double banked, i.e., two separate groups playing on the same court, mutual respect and cooperation is requested between the players.
5. Players shall be aware of golf carts while traveling to and from the Croquet Court and make reasonable efforts to avoid accidents.
6. A member’s guests residing outside of the area (further than 50 miles) may play at a greens fee of $5 per session.
7. A member's guests living within the area may play twice at $5 per session to acquaint themselves with the sport. After this trial period, they are invited to join the Croquet Club as a member or continue to play at the non-member rate.
D. Junior Member Rules
1. Junior players must be 8 years old or over to play on the court and must abide by all of the General Rules listed above.
2. Junior players 16 years old and under must be accompanied by an adult member of the Club while playing on the court.
3. Adult members may accompany their children or grandchildren ages 8 to 18 to play free of charge after making reservations in the proper manner.
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© 2021 Tega Cay Croquet - All Rights Reserved.