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No daily or hourly fees to play on the court.
Free access to croquet equipment (balls, mallets, etc.). This equipment is located in the Croquet Room at the Pavilion near the court.
The Court will be available for play every day from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. (we have lights on the court for night play), except for weather and maintenance related closings, and special events.
Members-only events (tournaments, socials, etc.
Introductory clinics with a tournament experienced instructor.
Periodic group and individual classes from a certified USCA instructor (a small fee will be charged to cover the instructor's expenses).
Periodic members-only exhibitions presented by some of the top internationally ranked croquet players.
A member’s guests residing outside of the area (further than 50 miles) may play at a greens fee of $5 per session.
A member's guests living within the area may play twice at $5 per session to acquaint themselves with the sport. After this trial period, they are invited to join the Croquet Club as a member or continue to play at the non-member rate.
If you have any questions about this website, contact the Editor at
© 2021 Tega Cay Croquet - All Rights Reserved.